
Dear Diary

December 2, 2022 It finally happened.  I’ve been saying I’m going to write a book about life in the public service trenches ever since I was a little baby GS Jane in my first big girl job after graduate school. George HW Bush said that public service is a noble calling, and he’s right. But it’s also a frustrating calling. And I’ve been riding the highs and lows of public service since 2003. Earlier, if you count unpaid internships and political volunteering. It’s amusing that the straw that finally prompted me to hit “publish” was so simple as calling an employee, at home, on her well earned leave (vacation days to you non-federal folks) to make her log on and register for a training seminar in the last HOURS before registration closed, even though the training was requested in August. Yes, the August that was five months ago. Incidentally this is after at least 20 different people, ranging from GS15 to GS6, had multiple reviews, meetings, approvals, and emails regarding this very trai